National Scientific Council would like to inform the public of the publication of its twenty third Science and Technological Innovation Bulletin for the year 2024. This issue includes the following articles:
The dawn of a new era
SRTI Ministry activities and retrospectives
- Portrait of Minister Gilbert KABANDA
- Appointment of Ministers: Gilbert KABANDA thanks the President of the Republic..
- To the discovering the Conclave of Scientific Genius.
- Scientific Genius Conclave in images (1st edition) 2023
National Education
- Appointment of Minister Raïssa MALU: a choice for national education
Retrospective activities of Investing In People ASBL
- Kinshasa organizes Science and Technology Week
- Interview with Investing In People Director Raïssa MALU : « it is absolutely essential to promote knowledge and know-how »
- Science and Technology Week in pictures
Read for you
- Microsoft launches new computers with generative AI…
- GIF : J. ALINGETE reveals that a priori control is not an interference in management.
- Climate: history, issues and conspiracy at the foot of the Yangambi flux tower
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