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Contribution à la lutte contre l’insalubrité liée aux bouteilles en plastique dans la ville de Kisangani en République Démocratique du Congo. Etude menée dans la commune de Tshopo

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.107

Author(s) :

Indani Remo Jean-Chrétien, Akondji Bainakofoka Dieudonné, Matondo Aristote, Basua Babintu Leyka Mukandu, Eloko Eya Matangelo Gerard.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The town of Kisangani, in the Tshopo province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is facing a major sanitation challenge due to the accumulation of plastic waste, particularly plastic bottles. Not only does this waste pollute the environment, it also poses a risk to public health and harms biodiversity. To combat this problem, a number of initiatives can be put in place. First and foremost, it's essential to raise public awareness of the dangers of plastic waste and the importance of recycling it. Educational campaigns can also be organized in schools and communities to encourage responsible behavior in terms of waste consumption and disposal. This study was carried out to determine the sources of insalubrity linked to plastic bottles in the city of Kisangani, to identify the consequences of insalubrity in the city of Kisangani and to develop methods, techniques and strategies to combat this type of insalubrity in the city of Kisangani. This is a cross-sectional qualitative descriptive study. The study population consisted of randomly selected residents of six of the city's communes. Interviews were used to collect data on the basis of a pre-established questionnaire. In addition, the data was supplemented by an analysis of documents from the roads and drainage department and the urban planning and housing department. The data collected showed that the causes of insalubrity linked to plastic bottles in the city of Kisangani are shared between the public services and the population. Insalubrity linked to plastic also presents a number of dangers for human health, the environment and biodiversity, including air and water pollution, soil defertilization, insect proliferation and certain pathogens facilitating the transmission of certain infectious diseases. Several solutions were proposed by the respondents, such as the use of SALONGO every Wednesday and Saturday, a forced sanitation program advocated by the public authorities, the installation of public garbage cans, the organization of a state-run waste collection and disposal system on every avenue; and some were founded to the public authorities, notably the valorization of plastic waste into products with energy value, the valorization of plastic waste into building materials to make the commune of Tshopo salubrious.

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Avifaune du domaine et réserve de chasse de Bombo-Lumene, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo : Diversité et distribution dans différents habitats

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.106

Author(s) :

Ngandu Lendo Michel, Liyandja Dja Liyandja Tobit, Kisasa Kafutshi Robert, Punga Kumanenge Julien.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Despite holding the most diverse assemblage of birds in the Afrotropics, ornithological surveys in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s network of reserves are notably rare. In this paper we provide the first well detailed inventory of bird species of BomboLumene and their distribution across different habitats based on mist-netting specimens collection in three different habitats conducted between February and December 2023. We documented a total of 113 species, distributed in 34 families and 5 orders, including the threatened Cossypha heinrichi. As elsewhere in the country, Passeriformes, with over 80 species and 20 families, are the most represented species in Bombo-Lumene. We found that savanna and forest habitats hold the most diverse species communities whereas human transformed habitats such as thickets hold the least diverse communities. Overall, ecology indices based on species abundance suggest that assessed habitats in Bombo-Lumene are in good ecological health. Our results confirm the status of Important Bird Area (IBA) of the Bombo-Lumene protected area in Africa. Ethnic conflicts, increasing demand for land used in agriculture and human settlement, and poaching are the primary local threats on biological diversity of BomboLumene in general and of its bird diversity in particular. Further surveys and studies in the reserve, covering all habitat types and an extended surface area of the reserve, are highly recommended to better capture its bird species composition and update strategies and policies for the conservation of these extremally diverse communities.

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Perception, vécu et attente des parents sur la qualité de soins dispensés à l’hôpital pédiatrique de Kalembelembe à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.105

Author(s) :

Kasau Kasau Dieu merci , Mabakutuvangilanga Ntela Simon-Decap, Tshitadi Makangu Augustin.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

This is a descriptive qualitative study carried out with 20 parents of hospitalized children, using individual semi-directed interviews. The results presented a single central theme: the quality of care provided at Kalembelembe paediatric hospital. This theme was then subdivided into the following three sub-themes: parents' perceptions of the quality of care; parents' experiences of the care process; and parents' expectations. Data collected revealed that the majority of parents perceived a poor reception, inaccessibility to care for all, lack of comprehensive care and disinterest on the part of caregivers. They have experienced a lack of continuity of care, poor communication from nursing staff and poor living conditions. They expect nursing care to be humanized, the political and administrative authorities to be strongly involved in facilitating access to care for all, which is one of the objectives of universal health coverage, and infrastructures and the environment to be improved. Our results will enable healthcare stakeholders to implement effective strategies to improve the quality of care provided in paediatric wards.

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Prédicteurs des échecs des apprenants finalistes à l’Institut Technique Médical en approche par compétences dans la Province du Kwilu : Cas de l’Institut Technique Médical Mosango/Masi-Manimba dans la Zone de Santé de Mosango

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.104

Author(s) :

Tshilambikila Ngandu Timothée, Makangu Tshitadi Augustin, Luzolo Kafinga Emery.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The present study attempts to describe the predictors of failure among finalist learners at Medical Technical Institutes (ITM) using the competency-based approach in Kwilu province. It is conducted among finalist learners who failed the final year once at ITM Mosango from 2019 to 2024. After the session, the ITM finalist learner is faced with a result, either success or failure. The latter beats the record at 38% of cases, with 25% of finalists eliminated from the program for having obtained less than 50%. This leads to a low enrolment rate of 15%, school drop-out, juvenile delinquency, unqualified carers, etc. After the survey, the study shows that, overall, the respondents met our acceptability criterion of 60% or more. Four predictors of failure were grouped together by the respondents. Individual, institutional, socioeconomic and socio-environmental predictors, which are a major concern in the field of health sciences education. The results identified from subjects who have experienced the realities of failure at ITM/Mosango lead us to confirm that the above-mentioned predictors are at the root of the failures of finalist learners, and we ask learners to avoid these predictors of failure, and national, provincial, local and school authorities to get involved in this reform of health sciences education to produce competent, motivated health personnel in sufficient quantity to provide quality health services.

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Opinions des femmes bénéficiaires de la gratuité de la maternité dans le cadre de la couverture santé universelle en République Démocratique du Congo: Cas du Centre Hospitalier du Mont-Amba dans la Zone de Santé de Lemba, Kinshasa

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.103

Author(s) :

Etshindo Salomon Kasongo, Indani Jean-Chrétien Remo, Djema Angélique Ndongo, Eloko Gérard Eya Matengelo, Ntoto Bernard Kunzi.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Poverty is one of the main obstacles to access to obstetric care for Congolese women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where maternal and neonatal mortality remains high. Within the framework of universal health coverage, the DRC has introduced a program of free maternity care, which aims to contribute to the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality. This exploratory qualitative study was carried out to gather the opinions of women benefiting from free maternity care, using semi-structured interview methods and an audio recording technique based on an interview guide. The data were analyzed using a thematic approach, with categories and sub-themes developed from the participants' verbatim. Keywords : Opinions, free maternity care, universal health coverage, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Phytochemical profile and antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antisickle cell activities of

Publication Date : 22/11/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i3.102

Author(s) :

Tshilanda Dinangayi Dorrothée, Ngoyi Matshimba Etienne, Umba Phoba Divine, Kasiama Nkal Giresse, Kabengele Nkongolo Carlos, Bete Mvita Juvenal, Koto-Te-Nyiwa Ngbolua Jean-Paul, Mpiana Tshimankinda Pius, Tshibangu S.T. Damien.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 3
(11 - 2024)

Abstract :

Plants, especially medicinal varieties, play a vital role in human health. This study aims to analyze the phytochemical properties and evaluate the antisickling activity of Vigna radiata, cultivated in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Results indicate the presence of various chemical compounds, including total polyphenols (239.84 ± 0.57 mg EQ/g), flavonoids (8.089 ± 0.046 mg EQ/g), anthocyanins (0.503 ± 0.003 mg/g), hydrolyzable tannins (0.084 ± 0.002%), and condensed tannins (0.041 ± 0.001%), along with a foam index of 150 for saponins. The mineral composition, determined through X-ray fluorescence, revealed significant levels of Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn. Extraction of V. radiata seeds was performed with solvents of increasing polarity, and the aqueous extract displayed notable antioxidant activity at 25 µg/mL, with an 81.923±8.9% inhibition rate. Furthermore, the DCM extract demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects at 3 mg/mL, inhibiting egg albumin denaturation by 22.72±2.4%. The aqueous extract exhibited antibacterial effects, inhibiting Escherichia coli (18±1.8 mm) and Salmonella SPS (22±3.1 mm), with Staphylococcus aureus showing intermediate sensitivity (10±1.5 mm), whereas Citrobacter diversus showed full resistance. Antisickling activity was significant in the aqueous extract, with normalization rates of 90%, 75%, and 60% at concentrations of 5 µg/mL, 2.5 µg/mL, and 1.25 µg/mL, respectively.

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Les systèmes agroforestiers du domaine soudanien du Togo : historique et facteurs explicatifs de la dynamique évolutive

Publication Date : 19/11/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i3.101

Author(s) :

Banlipo DJAKAMBI, Madjouma KANDA, Abalo ATATO, Marra DOURMA, Bimare KOMBATE, Fousséni FOLEGA, Baholy Rahelivololoniaina ROBIJAONA, Atsu Kudzo GUELLY, Komlan BATAWILA, Koffi AKPAGANA.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 3
(11 - 2024)

Abstract :

The aim of this study is to analyse the evolutionary trajectories of these agroforestry systems in order to identify the main drivers of change that influence their resilient and sustainable management in the Sudanian zone of Togo. Specifically, the aim is to: analyse the main changes that have occurred since 1960; characterise the evolutionary trajectories; and determine the drivers of change that could help to understand the evolution of these systems. The data were collected using a retrospective and prospective diagnostic survey of a sample of farmers, including resource persons, following the Historical-Sociological Investigation Method by means of semi-structured interviews. A Principal Component Analysis coupled with an Ascending Hierarchical Classification was used to study the main stages in the development of these systems. Despite having adopted various measures to promote their adaptability, profound changes have marked the evolution of these systems, testing their limits in the face of these challenges. In this context of adaptability, the results reveal two major transition models: a ‘model of transition from indigenous agricultural systems to extensive and sustainable systems’, dominant in ecological zone I with 47.44% of the systems surveyed, and an ‘agro-ecological transition model towards sustainable, innovative and resilient systems’, dominant in ecological zone II with 52.56% of the said systems. In this duality of agroforestry system management models, it is essential to analyse the evolutionary trajectories and drivers of change in order to draw up appropriate agricultural and environmental policies, with a view to the possible transplantation of these trajectories for sustainable and resilient agriculture both within and between ecological zones.

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Perceptions des gestantes sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19 à Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Etude qualitative multicentrique menée dans la Zone de santé de Binza Météo

Publication Date : 15/11/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i3.100

Author(s) :

Landu Makesi Alpha-Sandul, Kafinga L. Emery, Omanyondo O. Marie-Claire.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 3
(11 - 2024)

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to understand pregnant women's perceptions of vaccination against COVID-19. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through individual interviews and focus groups. Data analysis consisted of a thematic analysis of the content of the interviews. The target population was made up of pregnant women who had attended the maternity units selected for the study in the Binza Ozone Health Zone. The main results showed that pregnant women's willingness to be vaccinated was hampered by fear and concern about serious adverse post-vaccinal events, congenital malformations in the unborn baby, premature deliveries and low birth weight babies. Vaccinating pregnant women against COVID-19 is one of the effective strategies that can be put in place to protect them from the fatal complications of COVID-19.

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