Étude écologique, phytogéographique et revue de la nomenclature des espèces de genres Gnaphalium L., Lactuca L., et Vicoa Cass. (Asteraceae) conservés à l’herbarium IUK/Kinshasa
Publication Date : 01/01/2025
Author(s) :
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(01 - 2025)
Abstract :
Abstract A Herbarium of Asteraceae voucher consists of 345 specimens in the Herbarium (Inera-Unikin). A study has been carried out for species of the genus Gnaphalium (4 species), Lactuca (22 species), Vicoa (1 species) to revise names and complete ecological characters (biological types, morphology, types of diaspores, species habitats) and phytogeography. Geographycal data were also used to draw up distribution maps for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study was carried out by consulting the World Flora Plantlist for the updating of scientific names.
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