Le devenir des malades opérés des péritonites aigües sous anesthésie générale à l’air libre à l’Hôpital Provincial Général de Référence de Kananga, RD Congo
Publication Date : 04/01/2025
Author(s) :
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Abstract :
In the DRC in general, and the city of Kananga in particular, mortality from peritonitis remains abnormally high. However, data on the outcome of patients operated on for peritonitis under open-air general anaesthesia at Kananga Provincial General Reference Hospital are paradoxically scarce. The aim of this study was to describe the evolutionary profiles of patients with acute peritonitis operated on under open-air general anaesthesia. We used the method of documentary analysis; thus, at the end of our investigations we had the following results : 36.6% were aged between 21-30 years, 63.3% of subjects were male, 63.3% were single, 33.3% of subjects were from the outskirts of Kananga, 43.3% had no occupation, 63.3% had had simple fates, 76.7% had no postoperative complications, 63.3% had a stay of 9 to 15 days after the operation, 100% of subjects had undergone surgery under general anaesthesia in the open air, 100% of subjects had undergone surgery under general anaesthesia in the open air.
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