Déterminants de faible participation des relais communautaires dans l’accompagnement des présumés tuberculeux au centre de diagnostic et de traitement. Etude menée dans la zone de santé de Muanda échnologie financiére et gestion de fonds - CSN

Déterminants de faible participation des relais communautaires dans l’accompagnement des présumés tuberculeux au centre de diagnostic et de traitement. Etude menée dans la zone de santé de Muanda échnologie financiére et gestion de fonds

Publication Date : 01/01/2025

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.116

Author(s) :

Bapidia Nzengu Samuel, Ngimbi Ngimbi Jean, Mabola Tsinu Sébastien, Onoya Wedi Josué, Ntoto Kunzi Bernard, Kafinga Luzolo Emeri.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(01 - 2025)

Abstract :

Tuberculosis is one of the world's leading causes of death, second only to HIV/AIDS. Its prevalence remains very high in the developing world. The results of our research show that, in the Muanda health zone where our research is carried out, community relays do not refer suspected tuberculosis patients to the diagnostic and treatment center in the numbers expected. Our research proposes to identify the determinants of low participation of community relays in the accompaniment of presumed tuberculosis patients to the diagnostic and treatment center in the Muanda health zone. Our study is a correlational cross-sectional study in the field of community health. It was carried out among 298 community relays obtained by simple random sampling. Following data analysis, the results identified the following determinants of low referral to the expected number of presumed tuberculosis patients at the CDT: low level of education (p=0.001); insufficient knowledge of the presumptive signs of TBC (p=0.002); not benefiting from RECO rights (p=0.001); not knowing which household had an index case (p=0.045); having several other occupations apart from RECO work (p=0.001); working as a volunteer (p=0.001); small number of RECOs (p=0.012); fear of contracting TBC (p=0.001) and others.

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