Perceptions des gestantes sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19 à Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Etude qualitative multicentrique menée dans la Zone de santé de Binza Météo - CSN

Perceptions des gestantes sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19 à Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Etude qualitative multicentrique menée dans la Zone de santé de Binza Météo

Publication Date : 15/11/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i3.100

Author(s) :

Landu Makesi Alpha-Sandul, Kafinga L. Emery, Omanyondo O. Marie-Claire.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 3
(11 - 2024)

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to understand pregnant women's perceptions of vaccination against COVID-19. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through individual interviews and focus groups. Data analysis consisted of a thematic analysis of the content of the interviews. The target population was made up of pregnant women who had attended the maternity units selected for the study in the Binza Ozone Health Zone. The main results showed that pregnant women's willingness to be vaccinated was hampered by fear and concern about serious adverse post-vaccinal events, congenital malformations in the unborn baby, premature deliveries and low birth weight babies. Vaccinating pregnant women against COVID-19 is one of the effective strategies that can be put in place to protect them from the fatal complications of COVID-19.

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