Facteurs associés à la mortalité maternelle chez les gestantes et accouchées dans la zone de santé de Kisenso : analyse de survie
Publication Date : 02/11/2024
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Abstract :
This study examines factors associated with maternal mortality from 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2023 at the general referral hospital and in health centres and maternity units in the Kisenso health zone in the Kinshasa provincial health division. We used advanced statistics, with survival analysis performed using the Kaplan Meier estimator. The Cox model helped us to identify the factors associated with maternal mortality, as it is suitable for this type of study. The results of the analysis of our data show that the factors associated with maternal mortality of pregnant women and women who have recently given birth are: factors related to pregnancy, factors related to management and factors related to gynaecological and obstetric characteristics. Taking these factors into account can contribute to the implementation of interventions aimed at significantly reducing maternal mortality at central, intermediate and operational levels.
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