Déterminants communautaires de non-vaccination et de la vaccination incomplète des enfants de 0 à 11 mois dans l’Aire de santé Kabimba, en République Démocratique du Congo
Publication Date : 12/07/2024
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Abstract :
The reduction in vaccination rates currently reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) risks exposing children to deadly diseases. Therefore, this study aims to identify the determinants of non-vaccination and complete non-vaccination of children aged 0-11 months in the Kabimba-Uvira health area. This is a cross-sectional study with an analytical aim carried out in the Uvira health zone, specifically in the Kabimba health area. Our study population was 476 women with a child aged 0-11 months, from whom a stratified probability sample of 213 mothers was drawn. Data collection was done using a self-administered questionnaire, and data analysis was carried out using SPSS 25 software. The study demonstrated that the determinants of non-vaccination of children aged 0-11 months were: the environment of residence (long distance between the environment and the health structure); gender and lack of knowledge about the benefits of vaccination. Regarding the determinants of complete non-vaccination, unfavorable opinions (or lack of support) of children's fathers regarding vaccination were identified. Mass vaccination campaigns (door to door) remain a strategy and a priority in the environment of our study. In addition, raising awareness among parents about the benefits of vaccination cannot be ruled out
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