Evaluation des impacts environnementaux et des risques associés : Etude de cas sur le gisement de Fer de Bekisopa, Madagascar
Publication Date : 26/03/2024
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Abstract :
The study analyses the environmental impacts of mining the Bekisopa iron ore deposit, using a precise methodology. It identifies the direct impacts, focusing on the physical, atmospheric and aquatic spheres, in particular the risks associated with mine tailings and waste. In accordance with the MECIE decree (1997), the study highlights the consequences throughout the mining cycle. It anticipates and prevents risks, from the degradation of ecosystems to the alteration of water resources. Impacts and risks are classified by receiving environment, with an assessment of their quality. Recommendations are put forward for mitigating impacts and risks, focusing on minimising mining waste and its treatment, and engaging local stakeholders to raise awareness of the environmental issues involved in mining the Bekisopa iron ore deposit.
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