Accès aux services de l’Hôpital Pédiatrique de Kalembe Lembe (Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo) par la population - CSN

Accès aux services de l’Hôpital Pédiatrique de Kalembe Lembe (Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo) par la population

Publication Date : 26/03/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i1.68

Author(s) :

Nienie Bwabitulu Alexis, Kambondji Bukaya Jean Pierre , Kamanda wa Kamanda Jean Claude, Kazadi Tshiamala Evariste .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(03 - 2024)

Abstract :

This study attempts to analyze access to the services of the Kalembelembe Pediatric Hospital in order to identify the factors that predispose access to the health services of this facility. The aim is to identify the factors influencing access to health care services offered by the Kalembelembe Pediatric Hospital to the population of Kinshasa, in order to help improve the role and place of this facility in the health care provision of the city of Kinshasa. We conducted a stratified random sample survey of factors predisposing to hospital access. The data were processed using a variety of techniques, including geographic information system (GIS) mapping and correlation analysis. Examination of the indices relating to patient attendance by commune revealed the geographical origins of recruitment, in particular the different health zones of the provincial city of Kinshasa. Our investigations revealed that financial resources, the proximity of the hospital to the home, and the quality of care provided by the competent nursing staff are all factors that predispose people to access healthcare at the Kalembelembe Pediatric Hospital. Poor access to paediatric healthcare is a major public health problem. To remedy this, it is up to the central government to implement paediatric medical training based on need rather than income, in order to reduce disparities in utilization, ensure fair access and achieve an equitable distribution of the cost constraints associated with medical health services.

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