Étude de l’adsorption des ions de Nickel sur des argiles naturelles locales dans les effluents hydrométallurgiques
Publication Date : 31/03/2024
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Abstract :
This research focuses on the treatment of hydrometallurgical effluents, specifically studying the adsorption of metallic ions such as Nickel, Copper, Cobalt, Mercury, and lead on natural clays from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Twelve clay samples, six activated with a strong acid and six non-activated, were characterized using various techniques including X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, X-Ray Fluorescence, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and chemical dosage. The characterization revealed that the clays are mixed with several clayey minerals, enriched in aluminum silicate; contain absorption and water retention sites, and exhibit heterogeneities at the interfaces between grains and exchangeable ions. Activating the clays increased their cation exchange capacities, removed impurities, and increased pore size and specific area. Two aqueous solutions were used in the experiments: a laboratory-prepared nickel sulfate solution and a hydrometallurgical aqueous solution from a factory, both initially containing 15 mgL-1 of Ni2+ ions. Results showed that the adsorption of Ni2+ ions increased with the quantity of clay in the solution. The activated clays adsorbed more ions than non-activated clays at the same Ni2+ ion concentration. Additionally, adsorption was weaker in the hydrometallurgical solution compared to the nickel sulfate solution, suggesting competition from other metallic ions. The optimal adsorption occurred with chemically activated clays containing high Na+ , Fe2+ , and Al3+ ion content and low K+ ion content. The Hill-Langmuir model was used to describe the adsorption results, revealing that minimal quantities of activated clay were needed to adsorb a large quantity of Ni2+ ions in the solution, whereas large quantities of non-activated clays were insufficient. In conclusion, the research demonstrates the potential of natural clays from the DRC to adsorb metallic ions from hydrometallurgical effluents, providing insights for effective treatment methods in the future. The model revealed that the clay samples A2a clay, A6a and A3na have the very elevated reactional sites concentrations.
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