Problématique de l’exercice du petit commerce en République Démocratique du Congo : Cas de la ville de Kinshasa - CSN

Problématique de l’exercice du petit commerce en République Démocratique du Congo : Cas de la ville de Kinshasa

Publication Date : 15/01/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.023.v2.i4.54

Author(s) :

Nguvulu Lufuma Steve.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 4
(01 - 2024)

Abstract :

He/it cleared himself/itself of this survey dedicated to the problematic of the exercise of the small trade in Democratic Republic of Congo, whose Congolese retailers always met some difficulties in relation to the application of the texts that interdissent to the expatriates to exercise the small trades so the trade in detail. Indeed, the authorize-law n°90-046 of August 08, 1990 on the small trade proved to be inapplicable because of access of these conditions of exercise that are little realistic and didn't take into account the realities socioeconomic that define the present conjuncture of our country, of the phenomenon of instruction lack noticed among most retailers, from where the presence of the decree n°011/37 of October 11 2011 structural measure of conservation concerning exercise of the small trade and the trade in detail, of the authorize-law n°13/009 of February 23, 2013 modified and completed some incomplete arrangements some in matters of the small trade. In end, he/it appeared that the reasons of an applicability of the law resulted from the lack of the popularization of these laws that foiled thus to the requirements of a sécurisation of the activities of the small trade as well as the efficient controls. Because this sector of the small trade plays an important role so much in the economy by his/her/its contribution the use that by his/her/its weight in the added value.

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