Evolution de la loi minière en République Démocratique du Congo et son impact sur le développement de l’économie - CSN

Evolution de la loi minière en République Démocratique du Congo et son impact sur le développement de l’économie

Publication Date : 16/10/2023

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.023.v2.i3.42

Author(s) :

Nyembo Kalenge Ibrahim.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 3
(10 - 2023)

Abstract :

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country to mining vocation. Since the state Indépendant of Congo, the natural resources particularly the precious mineral substances, didn't stop attracting the researchers and the mining investors coming of the different horizons. It is since 1990 our country knew the big difficulties, that succeeded after years of war in 2001 to a pacification of the political situation but also to a very deep change in the mining structure of our economy while promulgating the law n°007/2002 of July 11 2002 structural mining code as modified and completed by the order law n°18/001 of March 09, 2018. On this aspect of the things, there are grounds to recognize the merit of the new mining code that drained the private investment massively in the country.

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