Les passes navigables de la région divagante du bief maritime du fleuve Congo, face à l’évolution des paramètres hydrologiques, quel avenir ?
Publication Date : 12/09/2023
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Abstract :
The wandering region of the maritime reach of the Congo River poses enormous problems for the navigation of ocean-going ships because of its recurrent silting up. This study aims to quantify and assess its impact on navigation. It is in this context that we present here, hydrological, hydraulic and sedimentological studies carried out by the Congolese Sea Ways (CSW) for the maintenance and development of the navigation channel with a view to guaranteeing the best navigation conditions for vessels serving the ports of Boma and Matadi. We note an excessive solid contribution compared to the liquid flow and this presents worrying signs of the closing of the passes of the upstream pool of the maritime reach. The probable causes would be the anarchic constructions which destroy the green belts upstream of Boma or even Matadi which cause significant land erosion. Keywords: Scavenging region, hydrological, hydraulic, sedimentological, sediment supply.
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