La complexité de la guerre à l’Est de la R.D. Congo: Analyses sur les causes, conséquences et solutions adaptées - CSN

La complexité de la guerre à l’Est de la R.D. Congo: Analyses sur les causes, conséquences et solutions adaptées

Publication Date : 01/08/2023

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.023.v2.i2.34

Author(s) :

Kadimba Ilunga Marcel, Kapend Yrung Eddy, Kalokola Yangonde Julien.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 2
(08 - 2023)

Abstract :

This work does not set in motion magical solutions but the objective is to make scientific analyses on the strategies that can enlighten and give the right understanding of the situation in the East, in order to deduce thoughtful actions to put an end to this tragedy that has lasted too long and if not stopped, risks to set the whole country ablaze and threaten for sure, the regional and international security. It is also necessary to question the political leadership that is supposed to see clearly the security of the population in every inch of the national territory. Women are raped, men and children are killed and molested. This war brings the development of the Drcongo to its knees. Experience has shown that there is no economic growth in a conflict environment. The question is, why does this misadventure in the East continue? And specifically, what are the solutions to end this war drastically? it is to be noted that, overall, it all depends on how the leaders handle the issue of this infernal cycle of violence. And specifically, the insufficiency or lack of quality political leadership capable of silencing these weapons. The expected outcome of these papers is to provide solutions that can help the Drcongo turn the page on this war and move relentlessly down the path of developing the Drcongo in general and the East in particular. The method of the immediate history constitutes a means that brings this analysis to the results since it orients the study in front of the facts with a diachronic and synchronic approach.

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