La cartographie numérique et son apport dans l’organisation du recensement en République Démocratique du Congo - CSN

La cartographie numérique et son apport dans l’organisation du recensement en République Démocratique du Congo

Publication Date : 24/01/2023

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.022.v1.i2.14

Author(s) :

José Nyandue Ompola, Carine Yadoli Kosanga, Mamie Yabendo Ngbo, Didier Anakani Nagesiya, Jean Nkongolo Njima.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 2
(01 - 2023)

Abstract :

Computer Aided Mapping (CAD) is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems, high resolution images and GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers for the survey of x and y coordinates. This leads to spatial analysis of the acquired images and the use of geo-spatial technologies, which in turn leads to the production of maps, for which standard data layers such as the shape file of administrative boundaries, roads, cities, territories and hydrographies are required as a basis for mapping, census and data collection activities. The automatic processing of data from upstream census mapping activities has both advantages, the first is efficiency, which is reflected in the amount of output that can be obtained per unit of input, this shows that more can be done at a lower cost, on the one hand, the utility advantage is reflected in the effects of programmes benefiting from improved information, on the other. Digital census mapping is thus computer-assisted mapping, using computer technology and taking advantage of new geo-spatial technologies to produce better maps faster and improve the overall quality of census data than updating it.

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