Détermination de la teneur en nitrites dans les produits de charcuterie vendus à Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo
Publication Date : 23/11/2022
Author(s) :
Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 2
(11 - 2022)
Abstract :
This work consisted in evaluating the nitrite content of meat products sold in Kinshasa. To do this, we analysed by absorption spectrophotometry a total of 20 samples, 10 of which were of local origin and 10 others imported to conduct a comparative study. The results obtained revealed that out of the sausages analysed, those of local origin all contained nitrite levels either lower or higher than the European standard which is 100 to 150 mg/kg. The same situation was observed in seven imported sausages, while the other three contained nitrite levels recommended by the European standard.
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