Mise en place d’une base de données relationnelle au sein des Lignes Maritimes Congolaises pour l’estimation des résultats d’exploitation des navires affrétés
Publication Date : 24/01/2023
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Abstract :
Any company must seek to improve its management organisation in order to maximise its performance and secure its management with the help of high-performance ICT tools for processing information. Since it does not have its own naval operating tool, the CML (Congolese Maritime Lines, formerly CMDC) has to resort to chartering ships. This mode of operation does not provide it with a sufficient financial cushion to meet its various expenses. In order to help the General Management to position a vessel as a single trip or round trip, the Commercial Management has to base the decision on simulation studies allowing identifying the profitability of each chartered vessel per trip. In the context of this study, the concern is focused on the design and implementation of a relational type of database that can allow LMC to gauge the results of its chartered vessels per voyage.
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