Influence de la Télévision sur la Délinquance Juvénile à Kinshasa (RD Congo) et Thérapie Sociale: Etude Menée dans le Quartier Kingasani
Publication Date : 03/10/2022
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Abstract :
The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of television on juvenile delinquency commonly known as Kuluna in Kinshasa. In order to find a lasting solution to this social malaise, a survey using the simple random sampling technique was conducted among 1700 subjects, mostly young, whose ages ranged from 13 to 26 years, in which there were 844 male and 836 female individuals, drawn from the population of the Kingasani district, which has a population of 17,000. The results of this study indicate that television plays a socially perverse role. Violence in the social stratum of youth and the media, mainly television through its channels, contribute to the social production of juvenile delinquency in poor areas of Kinshasa. The family thus plays an important role in the implementation of an intrafamilial communication likely to protect the children against the influence of the televised channels on the ethology and the violence among the young people.
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