Apport du Comité International de la Croix- Rouge à la Paix dans la Province Orientale en République démocratique du Congo : Etude menée de 2003 à 2009 - CSN

Apport du Comité International de la Croix- Rouge à la Paix dans la Province Orientale en République démocratique du Congo : Etude menée de 2003 à 2009

Publication Date : 09/08/2022

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.022.v1.i1.06

Author(s) :

Augustin Lisimo Alingi, Jupsy Ngalula Lisinga.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 1
(08 - 2022)

Abstract :

Being an impartial, neutral and independent organization not-governmental international, the International Committee of the Red Cross has the role of protecting the life and dignity from the victims of the war and internal violence, to bring the assistance to them. The Eastern Province in Democratic Republic of Congo profits from it enormously, because of the active presence of this Committee which intervenes and prevents the suffering by the reinforcement of the principles of humanity and the right. And it is in time of hostilities in period of war and post-conflict that this intervention is more visible and remarkable and that, more on the side of the victims of the human atrocities. On this, our problem is articulated around one principal question: Which are the causes and the consequences of the wars having prevailed in the Eastern Province, which required the intervention of the International Committee of the Red Cross? The objectives in this study are to identify the actions carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross, so that in the event of non-effectiveness of its intervention, this last can cure its weaknesses in the future. To reach the explanation, we chose the systemic analysis by inputs of which requests and declarations of the population victim; the outputs of which answers and solutions brought to the victims by the urgent qualified ones; limps black made up of authorities of decision-making of the International Committee of the Red Cross; and by the feedback having milked with the attitude of the population either by satisfaction, or by statutes-quo, or by the refusal towards the solutions brought to their request. Through this study, we affirm that the International Committee of the Red Cross had contributed for peace by the actions of humane interference, such as medical care, drinking waters, rehabilitation, repatriation, re-establishment, cleansing and supply of the rural centers of health and other materials. In any sum, the International Committee of the Red Cross, in spite of its contribution for the support with peace, the total pacification of its civil populations, since the Democratic Republic of Congo east one of the States signatories adhering to the Charter of the Organization of the United Nations. The peace returns in first line to the Member States of the United Nations and signatories of conventions and additional protocols of Geneva.

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