Articles - CSN - Page 2

Rendement en huile et teneur en stérols des graines et écorces de plantes sauvages et domestiques poussant dans le parc national du Kahuzi-Biega et ses environs

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.115

Author(s) :

Mpiana Tshimankinda Pius, Lushombo B. Emmanuel, Kadima N. Justin, Mosibono E Dieudonné, Kazadi Minzangi Melchias, Malumba M. Augustin.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is home to various plants as sources of edible oil for food preparations and medicinal therapy. This study aimed to assess and compare the oil yield and phytosterol content of seeds and barks of eight plants growing in this park and its surroundings. These were Albizia grandibracteata, Hagena abyssinica, Millettia dura, Piptadeniastrum africanum, Prunus africana, Prunus salsii, Sesbania sesban and Tephrosia vogelii. Common procedures for petroleum extraction and gas chromatography were used. The seeds of Prunus salsii contain the highest yield of crude oil (45.8%). Millettia dura and Piptadeniastrum africanum have the highest total sterol content (27-54 mg / g oil). Among the thirteen phytosterols identified, the most abundant are β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol and 5-avenasterol. The properties of these phytosterols support the traditional use of these plants as sources of oils for cooking and health issues.

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Contribution à la connaissance de l’ichtyofaune de la rivière Mayi ya Pembe à Kinshasa (R.D. Congo)

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.114

Author(s) :

Munganga Kilingwa Clément, Tandundu Mater Mauricette, Lusasi Swana Willy, Nakweti Kukatula Jeff, Zamana Mbemba Théophile , Kavumbu Mutanda Santos , Pwema Kiamfu Victor, Mbomba Nseu Bekeli .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

This study focused on the inventory of fish species populating the Mayi ya Pembe River located in the commune of N'sele in Kinshasa, R.D Congo. Sampling was carried out monthly using hawk and dip nets between May 2020 and June 2021. A total of 558 individuals belonging to 6 orders, 11 families, 15 genera and 16 species were collected. The order Siluriformes with four families (Schilbeidae, Claroteidae, Clariidae and Amphiliidae) is the most represented, followed by the orders Characiformes and Osteoglossiformes with two families each. With four species, including Hemichromis fasciatus, Hemichromis bimaculatus, Tilapia tholloni and Tylochromis sp, the Cichlidae family is the most abundant of the families inventoried. Raiamas buchholzi (124 specimens) is the most abundant species, followed by Hemichromis bimaculatus (60 specimens) and Brycinus longipinus (56 specimens). The river water is slightly acidic (pH between 5.12 and 5.78). Water temperature fluctuates between 29.5°C and 30.85°C, due to the absence of plant cover that exposes it to the sun. Conductivity is very low, and the river is shallower and less turbid (turbidity between 2.5 and 3 ppm), which can affect the attachment of micro-organisms. This research has enabled us to gain a better understanding of the ichthyological richness of the Mayi ya Pembe river, and underlines the vital importance of protecting and conserving this hydrosystem and its fish species.

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Niveau de contamination par les éléments traces métalliques (Aluminium, Cuivre, Cadmium et Plomb) dans l’eau, le sédiment et deux espèces de poissons (Marcusenius stanleyanus Boulenger, 1897 et Protopterus dolloi Boulanger, 1900) du Pool Malebo à Kingabwa (Kinshasa, RD Congo)

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.113

Author(s) :

Lusasi Swana Willy , Baibangaka Makudja Mardochée, Nakweti Kukatula Jeff , Bipendu Muamba Nadine , Unyumbe Yanga Kalala Boris, Pwema Kiamfu Victor.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

In recent decades, numerous studies have focused on the level of contamination of aquatic environments, and there has been growing interest in the consumption of fish resources in relation to health risks. The aim of the present study is to assess the level of contamination of water, sediment and two fish species (Marcusenius stanleyanus Boulanger, 1897 and Protopterus dolloi Boulanger, 1900) by trace metals (Aluminium, Copper, Cadmium and Lead) at the Kingabwa fishing station in the Malebo Pool (Congo River). Samples were collected between July and November 2023. Metal Trace Element (TMEs) levels were determined using an ED- XRF Xepos X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer. The results revealed high levels of TMEs in the water, with values of 0.26±0.00 mg/L (Al), 2.53±0.03 mg/L (Cu), 0.18±0.17 mg/L (Cd) and 0.15±0.00 mg/L (Pb), above the WHO standard. The levels recorded in the sediment are below the sediment quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. Toxicological analysis of fish samples showed high overall Cd and Pb levels, compared with the tolerable limits set by the WHO (Cd: 0.05 mg/kg; Pb: 0.2 mg/kg). This study recommends that particular attention be paid to monitoring the physical, chemical and biological quality of aquatic ecosystems and their resources, to avoid exposing consumers of fish resources to health risks.

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Facteurs associés aux difficultés de la résilience des étudiants de l’Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Kinshasa formés au graduat dans le système classique, inscrits en passerelles LMD

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.112

Author(s) :

Boloko Muhega Papy, Imani Ramazani, Mabakutuvangilanga Ntela Simon-Decap.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The transition to the LMD (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate) framework poses considerable challenges for students previously educated under the conventional system, particularly at the Higher Institute of Medical Techniques (ISTM) in Kinshasa. This research endeavor seeks to identify the factors that contribute to these difficulties within the context of educational transition. The investigation is grounded in a survey conducted with 123 students enrolled in LMD bridging programs. The analysis encompasses sociodemographic and relational factors, specific adversities, emotional regulation, and academic organization, all validated through statistical testing. A significant 63% of students encounter challenges related to resilience within the LMD framework. Notably, only marital status exhibits substantial statistical significance. Communication reluctance and feelings of discouragement emerge as predominant social barriers. Identified adversities include a preference for the traditional system, increased workload, and financial pressures. Acceptance of one’s circumstances and adaptability are essential for effective emotional regulation, whereas the lack of a tutoring network represents a critical organizational deficiency. This study underscores an urgent imperative to enhance both individual and institutional support mechanisms aimed at bolstering student resilience and success during their transition to the LMD system. The implementation of targeted strategies is essential for addressing these needs effectively.

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Analyse de la qualité de mise en œuvre et de la pérennité des modèles de Financement Basé sur les Résultats au Bénin en 2015

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.111

Author(s) :

Salami Lamidhi, Makoutodé Charles Patrick, Mongbo Virginie, Bédié Vignon, Sossa Jérôme Charles, Ouendo Edgard-Marius, Fayomi Benjamin.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract Results-based financing (RBF) is described as an intervention that generates significant results in health services. The lack of evidence in Benin since its adoption led this study to analyze, via functions supported by institutional framework, the quality of implementation and the sustainability characteristics of the two RBF models used in the country. The study was carried out on 2015 in two zones covered by the RBF_PRPSS model developed by the Health System Performance Strengthening Project (PRPSS) and two others exposed to the RBF_PASS model implemented by the Health System Support Project (PASS). The data collected by documentary review and interview were used to determine the quality index of the RBF implementation. The two models, whose structures implicitly integrated five functions, presented at the start a weak functionality of the health facilities and an irregularity and a low quality of the regulation. Three years after its start, the quality of RBF implementation in Benin was below average, with an index of 52.5% (± 5%) in the RBF_PRPSS and 45.5% (± 5%) in the RBF_PASS. The functions with the lowest scores in both models were regulation, delivery and verification. In sum, reactivity and efficiency were low in RBF_PRPSS while reactivity and independence were low in RBF_PASS. The low quality of implementation of the two RBF models and the uncertainty of the financing, concomitant with the delay of evidence, hypothecate their durability and incite to design a harmonized and adapted model for the country.

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Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des gestantes sur les urgences obstétricales: cas de placenta prævia, dans la Zone de Santé de Kadutu, ville de Bukavu, province du Sud Kivu

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.110

Author(s) :

Makelele Bahati Agathe, Ntoto Kunzi Bernard, Mahabi Andemambike Arland, Kafinga Luzolo Emery.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The Obstetric emergencies represent a major challenge for maternal and child health, particularly in contexts where access to information and care is limited. This study aimed to explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women facing obstetric emergencies, particularly placenta previa in the Kadutu health zone, in the city of Bukavu in the east of the DRC. This is a qualitative study using a phenomenological design. Semi-directive interviews were conducted with 15 pregnant women attending three hospital structures in the Kadutu Health Zone (HPGRB, HGR KADUTU and CS MARIA) for a period from June 1 to August 30, 2024 (i.e. 3 months). We used inductive thematic analysis of the data. After analyzing the data, the results show that the majority of pregnant women have never heard of placenta previa. Those who have heard of it have done so mainly in the context of informal conversations, or through limited medical teaching. Regarding the attitudes and practices of pregnant women regarding placenta previa, the majority indicate that they would immediately go to the hospital when they are diagnosed with placenta previa for fear of the risks. The results of this study reveal a lack of knowledge regarding placenta previa among pregnant women. However, their willingness to get to the hospital quickly is a positive point. It is up to all stakeholders to strengthen the knowledge of pregnant women to promote proactive health behaviors.

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Obstacles et stratégies pour assurer la gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement pharmaceutique dans les structures de santé

Publication Date : 31/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.109

Author(s) :

Lompempe Batuli Georges, Mitungu Makenga Toussaint, Maboso Boyengele Grace, Nakea Zubongo Gaston, Bailu Bonyonya Gloire, Nswele Ilundu Odon.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Nowadays, the supply of health products is subject to many constraints, some related to the internal and external environment. The objective of this research was to explore the obstacles encountered by managers in the supply chain and to develop effective strategies to improve the problems faced by managers in the supply chain. Qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological aim was used to collect the most detailed and in-depth information on the obstacles related to the pharmaceutical supply chain. Our interviews were conducted over a one-month period from August 16 to September 16, 2024 in the Wangata health zone. The respondents were managers involved in the supply chain. 19 semi-directive interviews were conducted after noting the saturation of information among the respondents. The results of our research show that the availability of medicines, financing, inventory management and finally storage locations or warehouses are the real obstacles that the Wangata health zone faces in the pharmaceutical supply chain. It is in this perspective that the study proposed the use of information systems in logistics management, staff training and finally, negotiation based on a partnership with a large supplier as effective strategies to overcome these obstacles. The study evaluated pharmaceutical policies as ineffective due to a low rate of applicability at the level of organizations where medical products are used. The conclusion drawn from this research emphasizes compliance with the standards and pharmaceutical policies of the DRC and the employment of qualified personnel in order to guarantee an interrupted supply of medicines in health facilities.

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Influence des activités anthropiques sur les ressources halieutiques dans les hydrosystèmes du groupement Kasambanza, Secteur Luniungu, Territoire de Bulungu, Province du Kwilu en République Démocratique du Congo

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.108

Author(s) :

Pwema Kiamfu Victor, Nsimanda Ipey Camille, Woto Kwete Gaston, , Nyami Pero Jeancy, Mbuyamba Madiya Timothée, Kitoko Falanka Perpétue, Ngombe Massamba Didier, Lusasi Swana Willy.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the pressures exerted on fishery resources in the Kasambanza group located in the territory of Bulungu in the DR Congo. Surveys carried out among the population and supplemented by experimental fishing campaigns using gill nets, dip nets and hooks in some hydrosystems in the study area showed that in total, thirty species of fish grouped in nine orders, thirteen families and twenty-four genera; two species of shrimp (Macrobranchium dux and Caridina africana) as well as a species of crab: Brachyura sp colonize the hydrosystems of the Kasambanza group. Several anthropogenic activities are the basis of the decline in fishery resources in this group. This concerns uncontrolled reforestation and bush fires in forest galleries, fishing by dam or with small mesh nets or using fish-toxic plants and the construction of dam ponds on almost all small rivers. The effective and rational management of fisheries resources in these environments requires the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices in order to contribute to the safeguarding and restoration of these hydrosystems.

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