Contribution à la connaissance de l’ichtyofaune de la rivière Mayi ya Pembe à Kinshasa (R.D. Congo)
Publication Date : 31/12/2024
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Abstract :
This study focused on the inventory of fish species populating the Mayi ya Pembe River located in the commune of N'sele in Kinshasa, R.D Congo. Sampling was carried out monthly using hawk and dip nets between May 2020 and June 2021. A total of 558 individuals belonging to 6 orders, 11 families, 15 genera and 16 species were collected. The order Siluriformes with four families (Schilbeidae, Claroteidae, Clariidae and Amphiliidae) is the most represented, followed by the orders Characiformes and Osteoglossiformes with two families each. With four species, including Hemichromis fasciatus, Hemichromis bimaculatus, Tilapia tholloni and Tylochromis sp, the Cichlidae family is the most abundant of the families inventoried. Raiamas buchholzi (124 specimens) is the most abundant species, followed by Hemichromis bimaculatus (60 specimens) and Brycinus longipinus (56 specimens). The river water is slightly acidic (pH between 5.12 and 5.78). Water temperature fluctuates between 29.5°C and 30.85°C, due to the absence of plant cover that exposes it to the sun. Conductivity is very low, and the river is shallower and less turbid (turbidity between 2.5 and 3 ppm), which can affect the attachment of micro-organisms. This research has enabled us to gain a better understanding of the ichthyological richness of the Mayi ya Pembe river, and underlines the vital importance of protecting and conserving this hydrosystem and its fish species.
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