Prédicteurs des échecs des apprenants finalistes à l’Institut Technique Médical en approche par compétences dans la Province du Kwilu : Cas de l’Institut Technique Médical Mosango/Masi-Manimba dans la Zone de Santé de Mosango - CSN

Prédicteurs des échecs des apprenants finalistes à l’Institut Technique Médical en approche par compétences dans la Province du Kwilu : Cas de l’Institut Technique Médical Mosango/Masi-Manimba dans la Zone de Santé de Mosango

Publication Date : 30/12/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i4.104

Author(s) :

Tshilambikila Ngandu Timothée, Makangu Tshitadi Augustin, Luzolo Kafinga Emery.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 4
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

The present study attempts to describe the predictors of failure among finalist learners at Medical Technical Institutes (ITM) using the competency-based approach in Kwilu province. It is conducted among finalist learners who failed the final year once at ITM Mosango from 2019 to 2024. After the session, the ITM finalist learner is faced with a result, either success or failure. The latter beats the record at 38% of cases, with 25% of finalists eliminated from the program for having obtained less than 50%. This leads to a low enrolment rate of 15%, school drop-out, juvenile delinquency, unqualified carers, etc. After the survey, the study shows that, overall, the respondents met our acceptability criterion of 60% or more. Four predictors of failure were grouped together by the respondents. Individual, institutional, socioeconomic and socio-environmental predictors, which are a major concern in the field of health sciences education. The results identified from subjects who have experienced the realities of failure at ITM/Mosango lead us to confirm that the above-mentioned predictors are at the root of the failures of finalist learners, and we ask learners to avoid these predictors of failure, and national, provincial, local and school authorities to get involved in this reform of health sciences education to produce competent, motivated health personnel in sufficient quantity to provide quality health services.

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