Impact de l’Autorité Intergouvernementale pour le Développement sur la Paix dans la Corne de l’Afrique - CSN

Impact de l’Autorité Intergouvernementale pour le Développement sur la Paix dans la Corne de l’Afrique

Publication Date : 11-07-2022

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.022.v1.i1.02

Author(s) :

Augustin Lisimo Alingi, Christelle Bolingi Mitimiti.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 1
(07 - 2022)

Abstract :

TThe Intergovernmental Authority for the Development is a sous regional international organization, working in the horn of Africa. Like any other international organization, it must be assumed to seek, reinforce and consolidate peace and the collective security. To this end, it tries to create the mechanisms of prevention, management and of resolution of the intraofficial and interetatic conflicts by the dialogue, the mediation, the negotiation and even by the military interposition. Operating in the horn of Africa, it is revealing principle of equality between the Member States. The aspirations of human rights cannot be dissociated with this principle. Being an international organization in sous regional matter, how the Intergovernmental Authority for the Development contributes it to the restoration of peace in the horn of Africa? Taking into consideration our objective, we would like to know starting from the contribution of each Member State, if there were effectiveness of the activities, actions, means and strategies of the Intergovernmental Authority for the Development on the ground of study. For that purpose, we made recourse to the structuralist method which, to analyze and explain the facts, one has as an ambition to make understandable the remarks by elucidating the structure of which they font left. ¶The documentary observation could be indicated best, because it is a technique which consists to study and analyze the documents which carry the traces. Taking account of our scientific exercise, it is necessary to corroborate that, the Intergovernmental Authority for the Development, with the support of its allies the Organization of the United Nations and the African Union, was implied in a considerable way to restore peace by the negotiation, mediation, the agreements and resolutions temporary or durable in the horn of Africa. In any sum, in spite of the crisis South-Sudanese woman, the Intergovernmental Authority for the Development brought back and restored, with the assistance of its allies, with fur and measurement, the harmonization of the policies to the profit of trade, agriculture, natural resources and services, as well as the customs, transport in the horn of Africa. All this to avoid the waves of moved wars without shelter, as for us, who could even penetrate Is Democratic Republic of Congo, because we divide the borders with South-Sudan and Uganda.

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